Just listen to your body and eat: stop trying to control your weight

Just listen to your body and eat: stop trying to control your weight

Lise Bourbeau author

While it may sound like a modern trend, Lise Bourbeau has been teaching its core principles for over 40 years. She calls it “Listen to your body, and eat what you want.” In this groundbreaking book, she shares her wisdom to help you: 

  • Discover the six reasons beyond hunger that drive you to eat;
  • Understand how your need to control what you eat can negatively affect your well-being;
  • Learn to recognize the emotional wounds that prevent healthy eating;
  • Embrace and accept your body—and most importantly, yourself—just as you are. 

Lise Bourbeau, a world-renowned expert in body awareness and self-healing, offers profound insights into intuitive eating, providing practical solutions and transformative paths to reconnect with your body's true needs. 

Do you find yourself constantly controlling your food intake? Have you struggled with anorexia or bulimia? Can you recognize that pivotal moment when eating shifts from nourishment to indulgence? Are you able to love yourself, even when your eating habits feel out of control? 

Listen to Your Body and Eat invites you to explore your relationship with food as a powerful tool for self-discovery. It reveals the profound connections between your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions, guiding you toward understanding your unique needs at any moment.

207 pages | ISBN 978-2-920932-34-0

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